Musings from a seeker of truth … John 17:17


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Welcome To Greg Rice Sings


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The “Rice Man” In His Natural Habitat

Hello Everyone! My name is Greg Rice, and I am so glad to have you here in my little corner of cyberspace, Greg Rice Sings. I am a singer, arranger, producer, and sometimes songwriter based in Keller, TX, north of Fort Worth and slightly southeast of Texas Motor Speedway (for all you NASCAR fans!)

I aim to engage music fans and home recording enthusiasts with wholesome music, exciting arrangements, and thought-provoking commentary on the world around us, specifically from a Christian worldview.

If this is your first visit, we understand the abundance of information can be overwhelming. That’s why we’ve put together this page featuring some of our top resources to help you get started.

Before You Begin…

Make Sure To Visit The Most Important Page On Our Site


Step One: Get TO Know Us

Meet Greg & Linda from Greg Rice Sings.

Are you curious about the folks behind GregRiceSings.Com? Head over to our “About Us” page to dive into our story, explore our take on music and music production, and see how it all ties into our Christian worldview, especially the good news of the Gospel. And don’t be shy—send us a message and say hello. We love connecting with our readers!

Drop Us A Line!


Step Two: Join the Community

Greg Rice Sings is always buzzing with new updates, and we’ve got plenty of ways to keep you in the loop.

First, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter. It’s packed with info on our latest music projects, collaborations, missives, rants, snarks, and handy tips for your home studio. Don’t worry—we keep your email private, and you can unsubscribe anytime with a click.

Second, check out our Sponsor Community for the latest events, breaking news, and links to stuff we love. It’s also a place where you can support our efforts as a sponsor. We are building an awesome community there, and we’d love for you to join us.

Third, we’re all about great visuals, so naturally, Instagram is a big source of inspiration for us. Follow us to see photos of the cool places we visit, the amazing people we meet, and much more. Visit the Greg Rice Sings profile on Instagram and get inspired.

Fourth, We also love sharing our music through videos. Follow us on Rumble to get notified whenever we upload something new.

Fifth, make sure to check out our blog. We are updating our articles from the past and writing new content all the time. Also, let us know if there are topics you would like for us to cover.

Lastly, we try to respond to every email we get. So, if you have something to say, whether it’s good, bad, or ugly, let us know! We’ll do our best to answer your questions. Just bear with us since it’s just the two of us handling everything.




Step Three: Discover Greg’s Music

You can find each album and song on our online music store and other major music platforms. Whether you’re looking for comfort in heartfelt melodies or a boost from uplifting lyrics, you can easily explore Greg’s music and uncover the deep stories behind every track.

Greg’s Music


Join Our Vision Team

The Vision Team is a group of amazing sponsors who support Greg Rice’s music ministry. As a member, you’ll pray for Greg each month and chip in a small financial gift. Your prayers are a vital spiritual boost; your donations help cover the ministry’s ongoing expenses. Thanks to you, Greg’s ministry can reach places and accomplish things that would otherwise be out of reach.

We see the Vision Team as a God-orchestrated, strategic foundation for Greg’s music ministry. Even though your prayers and contributions might seem small on their own, they combine with those of other team members to create a powerful support system. Thanks for being part of Greg’s exciting journey for Jesus’ kingdom!


Only The Beginning…

Greg Rice is excited to share his music ministry with you. Even though he’s pretty active, he’s not too busy for you. The next step is up to you!



We are Honored To Have You Here!

Welcome to our musical universe, where every note is a brushstroke painting the canvas of sound. Whether you’re a longtime supporter or a curious newcomer, you’re a crucial part of our musical family. Take a stroll through our tunes, discover the stories behind the melodies, and join us on this incredible journey. Be sure to stay tuned for updates, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and some sweet surprises along the way. So glad you’re here—let’s make some beautiful music together! 🎵



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We Love Our Fans And Sponsors!

Greg Rice would love to share his music ministry with you. Although he has an active schedule, he’s not too busy. However, the rest is up to you.

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